Companies registered with BSE
Most number of companies (5576) are registered in BSE India among stock exchanges worldwide. NASDAQ (2786) exists at fifth position followed by NYSE (2464) which is at number 6, and the NSE (1718) at tenth position.
Institutional Investors Organization
Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) are the strongest driving force in Indian markets. Among Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs), LIC is the leader
India- First adoptor of screen-based Trading
India was one of the first countries who adopt screen based trading (1995) instead of the traditional open outcry method. NYSE only moved on in 2005.
First IPO Issuer
The world’s first IPO was issued by ‘The Dutch East India Company”
First stock exchange in Asia
BSE is Asia’s first stock exchange.
Symbols of Share market signifies
Bulls attack by bucking their horns UP toward the sky, while bears attack by swiping their claws DOWN toward the ground. Now you know why bulls and bears are used to describe the price movement of the market.
Five oldest stock exchanges worldwide
- Antwerp Bourse 1460
- Lyons Bourse 1506
- Toulouse Bourse 1549
- Hamburg Bourse 1558
- London Royal Exchange 1571